
  • I offer ongoing, personalized guidance for individuals or couples who want to overcome shame, increase connection, and become erotically mature. I guide you through a process oriented around Desire - Vulnerability - Maturity to help you reach goals such as…

    Awaken, know, and befriend your intimacy desires

    Unashamedly and responsibly share your intimacy desires with others

    Level up your skillset to embrace the ongoing journey of erotic self-expression

  • I work with people seeking more existential grounding and spiritual maturity. Whether you are starting from scratch, trying to shed years of repressive religious conditioning, or seeking to build on a rich, existing foundation, I guide you through a process of cultivating: Feeling - Knowing - Doing - Being … to work towards goals like…

    Feel an intimate, embodied connection with a greater Presence

    Craft and articulate your core beliefs with eloquence

    Align your time and actions with what matters most to you

    Abide in a state of awareness, peace, wisdom, and empowerment

& Other Offerings

  • I offer workshops online every month, and I offer weekend periodic retreats on various topics through the year. See the Upcoming Events section on my landing page for details.

  • With more than 20 years of public speaking experience, I am available for speaking engagements. Additionally, I have performed countless weddings and helped people design custom ceremonies and other rites-of-passge to support them in their psycho-spiritual transitions.

Let’s Talk

The next step for you to take is to schedule a free 25-minute exploratory conversation. Just click the link and you can add yourself directly to my calendar for a virtual meeting.